
MIDIFile2Text extra info

Explanation of user interface options

Event types

Select which types of MIDI messages you would like
to include in the text output file. The check all and uncheck buttons
are there for convienance. A MIDI file is primarily Note On and (perhaps)
Note Off events, and the rest of the events may appear or not in the
actual MIDI file.


1. Deep folder recursion: in the target field you can type (or browse for)
a directory or a file to convert. If you choose a directory, then the program
will by default convert all files in that directory only. If you folder contains
folders of folders of MIDI files, then deep folder recursion is for you.

2. Separate file for each track: Each MIDI track (which usually corresponds
to a single instrument) can be placed in its own file. There will be
multiple text files for a single MIDI file processed.

3. Accumulate time: This option causes the program to keep count of event
timing since the beginning of the track, and places it in its own column.

4. Fill every cell: This option was included primarily to make the output
files compatible with R. R cannot import a table with empty cells, so to fix
this the program puts "na" in any empty cell.

5. Add track header: This option adds a one line header at the fore of each
track with PPQ and track number information.

6. Delimiter: Change the character that separates the cells in the output text file.

Explanation of command-line options

Usage: java -jar MIDIFile2Text.jar [options] [sourceDir] [targetDir]

where possible options are:
Event types:
-on Note on events.
-off Note off events.
-afterto Aftertouch events.
-controlchange Control change or patch change events.
-progchange Program change events.
-chanpres Channel pressure events.
-pitchwheel Pitch wheel.

-deep Deep file recursion; look inside all directories.
-accumulate Adds the cumulative time to the left most column.
-fill Fills every empty cell in the output file with na.
-separate Each track is put in it's own file.
-header Adds PPQ and track number info at the head of each track.
-tab Delimit with tab.
-period Delimit with period.
-semi Delimit with semi-colon.
-colon Delimit with colon.
-space Delimit with space.

example call: java -jar MIDIFile2Text.jar -on-off-deep-tab $HOME/myMIDIs $HOME/Desktop/target_folder
put quotes around source and target directories or source file if there are spaces.